Adultwork bank pending transfers before joining daily pay. Help needed


Adultwork bank pending transfers before joining daily pay. Help needed

Unread post by Cwestlondon »

I had a pending transfer made 20th September by adultwork due to be processed by my bank account October 4th. When I joined daily pay suddenly the name had been changed from my account name to Collins on that transfer. The credits have been taken and I have not received the money. I cannot access the transfer to do anything about it because it states on adultwork the transfer does not belong to me. I have contacted dp for weeks about this and have said there is nothing they can do. But daily pay somehow changed my name on the previous transfer. None of this is making sense and I have no idea how to receive my money. Can anyone else help?
Many thanks

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Re: Adultwork bank pending transfers before joining daily pay. Help needed

Unread post by admin »

Hi, name change due to VAT details, it gets you the extra 20% on top of your wages, the crisis is related to this, AW are paying the transfers out still and they are on their way to you still. The credits have left the account but the payment hasnt been made yet, this is due to AWs processing being closed down (Pacnet).

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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