No communication from daily pay

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No communication from daily pay

Unread post by Lucyj123 »

Again no contact from daily pay I need to be paid and getting no reply from anyone doesn't help I've already said I would like to leave the group and no one replies when I mention it! But if I mention that I haven't been paid someone replies to me it is starting to mess up all of my bill payments and normally I don't have a bad word to say about daily pay but things are seeming to go down hill .
If there is still no communication in the next 24 hours I'm going to take it to a higher authority

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Re: No communication from daily pay

Unread post by AlexAudrey »

I do understand your frustrations. Being with DailyPay, only do I give up 5% of my earnings but I also lose $5 for the Payoneer instant load fee plus ATM fees daily since no local ATMs are Choice Bank. I have been with DP for 4 years now and have thought about leaving the group once maybe twice, with now being the "twice" due to recent delays. However I try to remind myself how much hard work goes into running a business like this, its just that I chose DP since I am a last minute not-so-good at planning ahead type of person. Being able to log on and get my money the next morning fits my lifestyle. Times when pay is delayed cause me to become anxious about whether or not pay is coming today at all, or if more delays are to come in the future, or if something went wrong on my end with Payoneer.. All sorts of things. These thoughts mostly stem from my own personal struggles with anxiety which I am hoping to sort through. I am going to try to work as if I already know pay will not arrive until 48hrs later (play pretend in my head) that way I can plan ahead a little better and have money stashed away for days like today when pay is late. It is just very difficult for someone like me who is a near broke college student with no financial help from any family members.. anyway, I believe that you should give DailyPay another chance. They have to put up with many mean and demanding emails clogging their inbox on top of whatever tech issue is causing today's delay.. It just sucks because the 7th was delayed as well causing me to lose $ having to use an expensive ATM near my college simply for money to get home. I was literally on my college campus waiting for that Payoneer email.. lol.. But through the ups and downs over the last 4 years DailyPay is a company that I would still defend and recommend. However we know the risks of involving a 3rd party and we took them. I am happy that said 3rd party in my case happens to be DP who has been in this industry far longer than I have and knows my struggles and anxieties as a model at least. So yes I believe that you should try to stick it out with them a little longer and see how it goes for you personally! There has only been 3 times in the last 4 years when my pay was not here at all the next day due to tech issues such as changing servers etc or whatever they were struggling with. Id say thats a decent track record! Best of luck in your future endeavors - I understand and feel the anxiety as we speak. You are not alone ♡


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Re: No communication from daily pay

Unread post by Lucyj123 »

No I totally understand and like I said I never have a bad word to say about daily pay I think they're amazing! For what they do! I'm not coplaining about it but it's just Quite frustrating xxx

Posts: 63
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Re: No communication from daily pay

Unread post by AlexAudrey »

Oh I agree. I am sitting over here refreshing my email inbox as if I do not have phone notifications already turned on.. Lol! It does get frustrating sadly. I hope all works out soon so you can handle whatever matters you need your money for promptly. XOXO

Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:24 pm

Re: No communication from daily pay

Unread post by AlexAudrey »

My payment loaded a little bit ago just an update for you! Best of luck

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