under paid payment missing!!

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under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by Ladyhera101 »

Hi Admin I emailed you on the 7 of january about an under payment of aprox £230 i have had no reply from you regarding this but I have had time to go thoroughly what has been paid to from you via daily pay and what you have recieved from Adult Work on my behalf. your last payment to me was on the 30/01/17 bring the total payments made from you to £3038.56 how ever your records show that you have recieved £3353.01 thats a deficit of £314.45!
so it has increased since i first contacted you via the shout box and email!! I know you get busy but.... please can you reply and rectify the deficit as i cant afford to be losing that amount of money! regards Lauren ( Lady_Hera)

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

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Hi, the difference is the funds AW have paid us. There is nothing wrong on the account. A group transfer is meaningless to anything. We could wait 10 years and do one or do one everyday and it wouldnt change a thing.

You get paid 36% (41% directcam), AW pay out to us at a rate of 30%, the 6% difference is from AW for our work. If we could change it so you cant see that we would be its not possible on AW, all other sites have the fee hidden (and for good reason, to stop confusion). We offer you free dailypay because you dont pay us a penny, but AW do.

In order for pay to be wrong. You would need to pick one specific day in which you were paid and think its wrong then we can check that. Currently, as group transfers have been mentioned, theres nothing for us to check, as anything to do with a group transfer is meaningless and we would have nothing to check it against, eg a date.

Eg, 24th 131.40 directcam.

This is 131.40 -41% = £77.52 profit to bank.

With us, you get paid £77.52, without us, you get paid £77.52 making it free. You dont pay us, but AW do, just as the rest of their 30% is split up for other back end workers, eg staff, hosting etc We offer you our services for free, but we dont work for free, someone has to pay us.

Hope that explains it better.

Thanks for checking in with us. Responding here instead of email so others can find it by google if needs be.
Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by admin »

Hi, also to note for anyone reading. For Payout On Request and Weekly, this is how we pay you the extra 2.5%, we take it from our money and give it to you, no other service does this.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by Ladyhera101 »

I think you have mistunderstood me, i have checked what you have been paid for me from your records not from AW... your records show you have been paid the afore mentioned amounts for me! nothing to do with a group transfer...
or myself working out pecentages and there is a clear deficit... could you please explain precisely how my account is fine or email me the details for my accountant to go over thanks!

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by admin »

HI, sorry, it was these that made me think group transfer "what you have recieved from Adult Work on my behalf" , "how ever your records show that you have recieved £3353.01" as I am not sure how you can see our records? Unless you were looking at the group transfer page.

Where does the figure £3353.01 come from? Is it on an AW page? EG this page https://www.adultwork.com/CreditsTransferRequests.asp eg group transfers. You cannot be paid that full 100% figure. Unless you want our wage too? Its pointless me checking this because it is the group transfers you are talking about.

Account is fine because I believe you may be talking about group transfers and also you are unable to name one specific day. Im fairly certain if I check the whole time I am going to find nothing wrong but it will take a large portion of time to check this, for something I already know to be true, just on the basis of you may be talking about group transfers. Unless the £3353.01 figure came from somewhere else?

Your earnings and the group transfers can never match, you cannot be paid the £3353.01 figure. I am trying to say this in every way possible in the hope the message gets across because theres nothing more annoying than thinking a member is sitting somewhere thinking they are being under paid when they arent. 95% of the times I hear "underpaid" its the member who is incorrect and everything is actually just fine.

This is why we dont normally reply to any message that contains the words group transfers, they take up so much of my time and delay everyone else.

Everything is fine on the account unless you are able to name one day in which you were paid, and didnt get the correct pay the day after.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

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And I have seen this conversation a million times already. You get more annoyed thinking I am not understanding it and you thinking you arent being paid correctly, doesnt matter how many times I reply (this is why we normally just dont anymore) or say it in different ways you always think group transfers have something to do with pay.

But I do understand, you are posting a question that has been posted many times before.
Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

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Here is a question that will show you the workings of things.

If you have a webcam show for 100 credits, how much would you be paid?

Answer is -36% = £64 correct yes?

But, how much would the group transfer show? Answer is £70.

From your post you are asking to be paid the £70, yet only £64 is owed.

May aswell email AW and ask for the rest of the 30% also if thats the case :) < joke to try and get the point across of what you are asking for.


If using our service group transfer will show the £70, if not using our service, group transfer only shows the £64.
Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by Ladyhera101 »

Oh my goodness! in your first paragraph you say i have recieved from you £3353.01 then you go on to tell me in the following 3 that i could not have recieved that full amount!! and keep talking about AW percentages & group transfers. So can you please Just tell me clearly Which is correct you have or havent paid £3353.01 into my account? and you do not need to explain group tranfers or AW percentages as i understand those figures and also that you are as busy as i I am!! Best regards for the day!

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by Ladyhera101 »

So Just to clarify £3353,01 is the amount your precords show as having been paid to me? if this is the case then as I said you have underpaid me. could you please confirm that this amount is what your records show... thank you

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

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HI, up to this very moment a total of £3145.66 has been paid to you from us.

The figure of £3353.01 can never be right and no records will show that we have paid that amount to you or AW to you, its not possible.

My first paragraph from this post? viewtopic.php?p=12799#p12799 is a quote from your post only.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by admin »

Hi, if you are using this page "https://www.adultwork.com/CreditsTransferRequests.asp" under the transferred tab to get your figures it would then be clear, that you do not understand group transfers or AW %, as that figure from that page, can never be the figure that is paid to you.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by Ladyhera101 »

ok how many times do i need to ask (this is the third time now) can you please confirm wether £3353.01 is what you think you have tranfered into my bank account and if not then please tell me exactly what you have transferred into my bank account!! instead of wasting time wittering on about AW pages... Because quite frankly i am very capable of doing basic math (even without a calculator!!) thank you
Regards Lady Hera

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Re: under paid payment missing!!

Unread post by admin »

Hi, we have answered it each time also.

We first said it directly in this post viewtopic.php?p=12799#p12799
then again here viewtopic.php?p=12822#p12822

£3353.01 wasnt paid to you, it cannot of been paid to you, its not possible.

You ask to tell you what we have transferred, we have answered that also " up to this very moment a total of £3145.66 has been paid to you from us.".

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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