Just wondered if anyone has any ideas and tips they fancy sharing as I am finding it pretty slow at the moment..
Do you all change profile pictures and names etc regularly?
Does this work?
Am a bit scared to change my name incase I lose any regulars who dont realise...
Wasnt sure..
Just wondered if anyone had any bright ideas?
Busty_Sorella wrote:Just finding AW slow at the moment!
Im doing around 5 hours a day and making around 100 credits a day. But it used to be double this!
Hi. I'm not sure what area of the world you're located, but what times are you logging in? I'm in the U.S.A. (on Eastern Standard Time), and I find that usually late nights EST is when I'm getting a couple of guys in the UK (it's early morning for them) buzzing me for private.
Also, it's been said that whenever you upload a new photo to your AW photo gallery, it gives your placement a little boost.
Well I can only say that it's absolutely dire for me also. I looked back at my earnings for this time last year and I was making twice as many credits in about half as much time!
Others I know are exactly the same. Unfortunately I have no idea what to do to boost traffic and I don't find any particular time of the day is reliably busy either. I used to pop on for an hour or so after about 9pm and it would usually be hectic. I did the same a couple of times last week and just sat there like a lemon!
I only ever have a good day now if I get a couple of big spending regs. Thought it might pick up after Xmas, but nope.
I actually did this Saturday (yesterday) I dont normally do weekends I did from about 10am - 3pm is and I made over 320 Credits! I was amazed !!
Think I may try weekends again!!!
Im hoping a profile overhall, new videos and pictures will help maybe!
It seems like the only time I get paid shows is at night time or real early in the morning before it gets light outside (I'm in the U.S./Eastern Standard Time). I'm gonna be updating my profile though and probably add more clips. Since we're not allowed to have music in our videos, I'm gonna have to make a second copy of all of my vids so that they're without music.
I did a video at the weekend but there is music in the background... I assume from that post that i cant use that!!
Never knew that! Thanks! Ill make sure no ipod playing!!! Lol