I've spoken to a few others who have said they haven't had any luck contacting either ... I hope to god we get paid soon or at least hear something so we are not left frearing the worst
No1 has on other posts too ... They were last online at 8amish some one said this has happened before and the admin had been in a car accident .. Hope everything is ok and we hear something soon x
I know everything will be okay , as in payments, very unusual for them to not get In touch via email , forums etc , let's hope Colin and his staff are okay ! X
It has only been like this once in my memory, way over a year or more ago, maybe two? I don't often check when pay goes in so I may have missed other times this has happened, but speaking from experience there is a high chance whatever has happened is totally unavoidable or serious enough to mean no one has had time to speak to us yet. I don't live too far away from Colin and have him on FB so I will keep an eye out, but I have heard nothing yet. Hopefully someone will be along soon with an update x
Hey girls, the same thing happened last week, no contact at all for the whole day but we were all paid at around 10pm in the end. I imagine it's the same thing tonight. Admin say that as long as it falls under the right day, it doesn't count as a delay. Hope that helps! (I haven't been paid either).
Argh I maybe didn't work that day , I have been with them for 4 years and always get paid , only can think of maybe 3 times its been the next day , but that's been due to aw having the dss attacks . I also agree it's not classed as late till the next day ! X
It's more likely someone would be in touch if it's def not going to come today so my guess is that it will be in some time before 10. I'm not in dire straits today but I feel for those who are, it's nerve-wracking checking your balance every 10 mins! Fingers crossed X