VAT and paying your own taxes

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VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by lucyjonesxxx »

Hi... Im completely confused on the VAT thing that adultwork has added.
I just got my head round them taking an extra percentage when you go to transfer but have now noticed that they charge you 20% when you go to feature yourself by the hour... as well as put another 20% on your cam rates per minute. . :( :o

However, my main question is.... I pay my taxes (self-employed taxes) ... I am just wondering where I will stand with that since Im now paying VAT? Im not expecting to not have to pay my taxes but would there be a reduction and/or would it count as one of my 'costs'... I have an accountant should i tell her that adultwork have put a VAT thing on? Or does it make no difference at all to my taxes?

Sorry if it seems like a stupid question, but thought it was worth asking.

If anyone could shed some light would be great :)

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Re: VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by admin »

Hi, its a cost but you only pay tax on what you get in your bank so it wont change anything.

No questions are silly in regards to this, continue to pay your taxes the normal method, by what comes into your bank account, then anything your purchase, eg a webcam is an expense as normal.

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Re: VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by lucyjonesxxx »


Thank you fro replying soo quickly admin! :)
Damn it was hoping it would count as an expense or something ha ha.
All these new charges are crap news cant belive they have only gave us 24hour notice as well.

Thanks again


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Re: VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by admin »

HI, approved on AW private area by the way.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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Re: VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by lucyjonesxxx »

Thank you
Jut tried logging onto there (havent used it in a while)
It won't let me log on keeps saying wrong username/passoword combo... Ive typed in every password i could think of each one is wrong apparently. I presumed 'lucyjonesxxx' was my username. I have changed my name on aw to 'LucieJones' though not sure if that would effect it?

Also selected the 'forgot password' option and typed in my email address.. but apparently that's an invalid email address as well :S

Help :(

Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:17 am

Re: VAT and paying your own taxes

Unread post by lucyjonesxxx »

not to worry ive figured it out... was my fault... used a different email address oops xx

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