OK is the amount deducted from your daily pay 41% in total?
And what time is the cut off each day to get paid the following day?
Had no payout today which is fine as wasn't much but just wanting to be sure so I can work out tomorrow if what I get is what I'm expecting. Confused? Yup me too
Hannie88 wrote:It's 41% for cam yes ... So if u click my details then credit activity (in the drop down under your credits) you will see what you earn every day
Midnight is the cut off point hope this helps
Hmmm... So I am right in how I thought it works then. Wonder why I didn't get pay out today then. I'm not too worried as I didn't manage to get on yesterday and only earnt £10.54 but in theory as I set payment up for over £10.... unless .... is that £10 after the 41% is taken?
Sorry probably really obvious when you know lol. But don't want to start harassing admin if others can help.
Hi, all correct Hannie yip thanks. Cut off midnight, 41% for directcam and £10 min is based on the profits and you are right, the bank charges us so at £10 it just about covers the cost of the transfer and no more.
17 credits would be right, anything under the min rolls over to the next day for payout.