credits been taken out but not been paid

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credits been taken out but not been paid

Unread post by teenkaty18 »

hi ive emailed a few times and had no response I had £300 go out of my aw account for how much I made that day and still a week latwer haven't received the money from it into my bank thank you :) I don't owe any either x

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Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:36 pm

Re: credits been taken out but not been paid

Unread post by admin »

Hi, it was just a group transfer, occurs every Tuesday on everyones account. I can see funds have been sent this end.

There hasnt been any days £300 was earned. Your daily earnings are shown here

Each day you work, and you are paid the next, do you notice that the credits arent taken away? This is because they are taken away once per week on a Tuesday. Group credit transfers have no meaning or connection to anything at all, we generally dont reply to emails about them either (not that I have came across them yet).

The rule is, anything earned today is sent tomorrow. If someone asks me about group transfers my general response would be, What does it matter? Who cares? because it has no meaning or connection to a single thing at all ever.

What do you think the group transfer which occurs weekly actually represents? Are you paid weekly?

Review the number 1 FAQ here for info viewtopic.php?f=4&t=294

Everything appears fine on account.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

Site Admin
Posts: 3668
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:36 pm

Re: credits been taken out but not been paid

Unread post by admin »

Hi, you may of changed your username last week (then back to its original afterwards), this resulted in the system not knowing where to put some earnings. I have activated the account tracker on your profile now so you can safely change your username anytime you wish without having to let us know.

Funds will be sent by staff later today.

Landline - 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Mon - Fri - feel free to call us.

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