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Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:45 am
by KristinaW

I've just been going through payments etc and I checking my account,I don't seem to have received a number of payments.

Could you check please? They were all group transfer payments from my credit balance as follows:

6.10.2015 - £7.78
3.11.2015 - £6.71
10.11.2015 - £1
26.1.2016- £6.50

Thanks xx

Re: Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:44 pm
by admin
Hi, yes they would never be sent, to any members, ever. If an email comes through and mentions a group transfer we dont reply.

If you find a day you worked and didnt get paid next day then there may be something to check, but theres nothing to check in regards to group transfers, they have no meaning, there is nothing to check them against.

Eg: 26.1.2016- £6.50, but you didnt work on the 25th or the 26th so theres no pay to send.

And on the opposite side. You were last paid on the 21st Jan, but as you can see no group transfers occurred, so does that mean you in fact owe us money? No its doesnt because group transfers and pay have no connection, meaning or anything else at all.

Check out number 1 here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=294

The basics of DP is, you work today and you are paid tomorrow. AW balance, credits on account, group transfers etc have no meaning. Every week usually on a Tuesday night credits are taken off the account, its a one click button for all members.

The only page used to check your earnings is this page

If a member asks to be paid the group transfers they are unknowingly asking to be paid twice. As pay was already sent next day when they earned them, group transfers are done on the following Tuesday and get sent three weeks later, to us. We pay you and AW pays us via group transfers.


Re: Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:44 am
by KristinaW

thanks for this - but I've had no payments going into my account at all? Just checked for January payments and nothing there. Please can you check

Re: Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:00 pm
by admin
Hi, last funds sent 21st Jan 2016.

2 dates in Jan had earnings, this was the 20th Jan and the 21st Jan.

Min payout is £10, balance has £2.24 at the moment.


Re: Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:25 pm
by Hannie88
Hey admin ! Just to let you know all money has been recieved this morning thank you ! Sorry for the trouble :) hope all is well xx

Re: Don't seem to have received payments (past as well)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:33 pm
by admin
Hi, thanks for letting me know Hannie :)