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How long is the current wait time to be accepted?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:02 am
by Arielautumn
Hi there I applied to join dailypay for Adultwork yesterday, just wondering what the current waiting times to be accepted and first payments are? Also I made a mistake with what email I put on my application but emailed you about that with the one I use for adultwork.I've already entered my payee info but would like to change it if possible, can I do that now? Sorry for all the questions!
Thank you xxx

Re: How long is the current wait time to be accepted?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:24 am
by admin
Hi, payee info can be changed at anytime by emailing

Wait times vary depending on site, AW can be a few weeks depending how long the queues are to join.

I believe yours has been processed now though.
