What is going on !?! My Emails Ignored & I Haven't Received My Funds
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 2:10 pm
Not good, I've had to sign up to this forum, simply to get a question answered that I've sent by email 3 times to Daily Pay (AdultWorks Finest), without receiving a reply from Daily Pay, I am beginning to think there is something very wrong ...
I still haven't received the credits that you took from my Adultwork account over a week ago ...
From now on I will have to screenshot my credits balance on Adultwork
as it's very concerning that credits have been taken by DailyPay
but have not been paid to me and I can't find my credits earnings
on AdultWork until after the funds have been paid to me by DailyPay.
Please will you tell me if I'm on Daily Pay or Payment Upon Request !?!
From now on I wish to be on payment upon request thank you.
Furthermore I am requesting the credits taken from my AdultWork account to be paid to me ASAP.
Lastly please be polite enough to answer my emails as it's rather embarrassing having to communicate with Daily Pay in such a public way ...
From (a rather mortified) Ruby Domina
I still haven't received the credits that you took from my Adultwork account over a week ago ...
From now on I will have to screenshot my credits balance on Adultwork
as it's very concerning that credits have been taken by DailyPay
but have not been paid to me and I can't find my credits earnings
on AdultWork until after the funds have been paid to me by DailyPay.
Please will you tell me if I'm on Daily Pay or Payment Upon Request !?!
From now on I wish to be on payment upon request thank you.
Furthermore I am requesting the credits taken from my AdultWork account to be paid to me ASAP.
Lastly please be polite enough to answer my emails as it's rather embarrassing having to communicate with Daily Pay in such a public way ...
From (a rather mortified) Ruby Domina