3 most common mistakes people make on DP for Adultwork
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:10 pm
Note, the below figures are incorrect as The Dailypay Service on Adultwork is currently free to all members. This help article will be updated at some point to reflect this.
(important note: If your question relates to any of the below and you email about it we will now just send you here as it wastes our time trying to explain it over and over again. If you mention your AW account balance or Group Transfers in an email to us you will most likely not get a reply).
If you do not understand any of the below we recommend you switch the "Payout On Request" or Weekly pay, both of which are worked out from the credits on the AW balance and when you are paid they are taken away at the exact same time. You can switch by emailing admin@dailypayservice.com
Hi all, most of my time gets eaten up by a handful of questions so I thought it best to make a thread on them. I reply to these questions everyday and people will argue for days or even weeks until the penny drops.
Experienced DP members will know the answer to these questions, new members generally dont, even after we send the payout help guide to them multiple times.
Guide to work out your AW earnings is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29
Questions are listed in order of popularity.
(Edit, I have added this pre-text because even though its the number 1 mistake people make and even after sending them this thread they still mention group credit transfers, AW credits on the account etc and this page http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp , if your looking at this page then you are doing it wrong, please do not try to connect your pay to figures on this page http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp as you will always be wrong)
1. I see you have done a credit transfer from my account, why havent I been paid?
You are paid daily but we only take credits away once/twice per week. Notice that if you work today, funds are sent tomorrow and the credits are still there, means nothing at all.
Credit transfers are us taking credits from the account, they have no relation at all to your earnings or payouts in the slightest, trying to connect transfers on Adultwork and your pay will be nearly impossible.
Group transfers generally happen once/twice per week, its 1 click to transfer the entire groups earnings so we arent specifically taking earnings from your account. Credits on the history page here http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp have no connection or relation to your pay at all.
When we send your pay you will notice we dont take any credits out at the same time, this should indicate they have no relation.
If you constantly try to make a connection between your pay and group transfers we will simply stop replying to you as you clearly arent listening or reading the payout guide.
Case scenario (works for question 1 and 2):
A new member joins dailypay on Adultwork, on the 1st of Jan they earn 50 credits from a webcam booking, the next day they are sent £32 for this booking, but the credits dont leave the account. 3 weeks later we do a group transfer for these credits, should the member be expecting any money from the group transfer? the answer is no because they have already been paid for the work, any money from the group transfer going to the member would result in a double pay.
Payout Guide is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29 notice is doesnt mention using transfers to work out your earnings.
2. My Adultwork balance shows "xx" number of credits, can you send me them please?
No, the Adultwork balance and your pay have nothing in common, they have no connection at all and cannot be used to work out your earnings, see the case scenario at the end of the answer to the first question. Any earnings you make today are sent tomorrow, when we send the earnings you will notice no credits are transferred. You will not be able to make a connection between your Adultwork balance and your pay, its because no connection exists.
The Payout Guide is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29
3. I think someone is trying to steal from me, my details arent on my transfers.
The basic concept of Dailypay is we pay you daily and Adultwork pay us 3 weeks later, your details wouldnt show on any transfers because that would mean you would get paid twice. If you wish to see if you have been paid simply login to your bank account.
(important note: If your question relates to any of the below and you email about it we will now just send you here as it wastes our time trying to explain it over and over again. If you mention your AW account balance or Group Transfers in an email to us you will most likely not get a reply).
If you do not understand any of the below we recommend you switch the "Payout On Request" or Weekly pay, both of which are worked out from the credits on the AW balance and when you are paid they are taken away at the exact same time. You can switch by emailing admin@dailypayservice.com
Hi all, most of my time gets eaten up by a handful of questions so I thought it best to make a thread on them. I reply to these questions everyday and people will argue for days or even weeks until the penny drops.
Experienced DP members will know the answer to these questions, new members generally dont, even after we send the payout help guide to them multiple times.
Guide to work out your AW earnings is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29
Questions are listed in order of popularity.
(Edit, I have added this pre-text because even though its the number 1 mistake people make and even after sending them this thread they still mention group credit transfers, AW credits on the account etc and this page http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp , if your looking at this page then you are doing it wrong, please do not try to connect your pay to figures on this page http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp as you will always be wrong)
1. I see you have done a credit transfer from my account, why havent I been paid?
You are paid daily but we only take credits away once/twice per week. Notice that if you work today, funds are sent tomorrow and the credits are still there, means nothing at all.
Credit transfers are us taking credits from the account, they have no relation at all to your earnings or payouts in the slightest, trying to connect transfers on Adultwork and your pay will be nearly impossible.
Group transfers generally happen once/twice per week, its 1 click to transfer the entire groups earnings so we arent specifically taking earnings from your account. Credits on the history page here http://www.adultwork.com/CreditsHistory.asp have no connection or relation to your pay at all.
When we send your pay you will notice we dont take any credits out at the same time, this should indicate they have no relation.
If you constantly try to make a connection between your pay and group transfers we will simply stop replying to you as you clearly arent listening or reading the payout guide.
Case scenario (works for question 1 and 2):
A new member joins dailypay on Adultwork, on the 1st of Jan they earn 50 credits from a webcam booking, the next day they are sent £32 for this booking, but the credits dont leave the account. 3 weeks later we do a group transfer for these credits, should the member be expecting any money from the group transfer? the answer is no because they have already been paid for the work, any money from the group transfer going to the member would result in a double pay.
Payout Guide is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29 notice is doesnt mention using transfers to work out your earnings.
2. My Adultwork balance shows "xx" number of credits, can you send me them please?
No, the Adultwork balance and your pay have nothing in common, they have no connection at all and cannot be used to work out your earnings, see the case scenario at the end of the answer to the first question. Any earnings you make today are sent tomorrow, when we send the earnings you will notice no credits are transferred. You will not be able to make a connection between your Adultwork balance and your pay, its because no connection exists.
The Payout Guide is here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29
3. I think someone is trying to steal from me, my details arent on my transfers.
The basic concept of Dailypay is we pay you daily and Adultwork pay us 3 weeks later, your details wouldnt show on any transfers because that would mean you would get paid twice. If you wish to see if you have been paid simply login to your bank account.