How do daily pay know where to send my payment
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:18 pm
So after weeks i have finally managed to join dailypay.. now what?
I literally have no idea where to submit my branch details to receive my money. This is the email i got when i signed up as follows:
Thank You for transferring your account to daily pay.
It is recommended you join our forums here if not already done so for any updates to the service http://adultworkwe
Please update your payment details here
Your first pay will be sent shortly, the guide is here
If you require any transfers that are already pending to be cancelled please email us asap about them.
After first pay you can work your pay out with this guide here
Help may be found here.
Yet when i clicked on the 'update my payment details' tab it didn't take me anywhere to enter my actual bank details, just an option to update my payment frequency ect. Im becoming so frustrated with this as im going around in circles So where do i enter my bank details? obviously they need to know where to send my payments to, but i cant enter them anywhere to be seen! :/
I know the admins will probably be flooded with questions from noobies who don't understand the system, but that is because its quite tricky to work out. I had gotten used to adultwork now there is this whole other page that works entirely differently and i cant figure it out for the life of me. Any help would be grately appreicated, Thank you x