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Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:01 pm
by Scarlet_UK
Hello admin
I asked you to release my account earlier today.
You have not released it you have put it in an other one of your groups.
Please release my account as requested.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:28 pm
by admin
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:32 pm
by admin
Also, dont spam multiple sections of the forum please, you are not the only one requesting help. Words defy me concerning you...
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:48 pm
by Scarlet_UK
You did NOT release me.
You put me in a different group.
I emailed AW about this and they say an account can be immediatly released and I should ask you to do so.
The credits in my account are NOT 0.
It has 246 credits in there.
I have already asked you 2 times now if I can expect a payment tomorrow or if my profile will be released with the credits.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:53 pm
by admin
Hi, you have been released from Dailypay, if you check the group you are not there.
I answered in another thread about your payment tomorrow.... maybe stick to one thread?
Your account balance is zero, I am looking at it right now, heres a screenshot for you.... (I think I know my own system)
The "group" you are in is mentioned at the bottom of the thread I posted above, its a holding group to protect current pending transfers.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:01 pm
by Scarlet_UK
As you can see here, there are credits on the profile
These credits will still be there when my account is released? Or will I get them tomorrow?
Also, when will I get full acces to my account again?
I contacted AW and I can't do anything with my account until it is released... from any of your groups.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:39 pm
by BritishBecky
Scarlet I am not Admin but I may be able to reply quicker - unless you made those creds today they will have already been paid to you by the DP system, it's just that DP doesn't actually empty our accounts every day even though they pay us every day. (ignore that if you made those creds today). If you have made creds since being released then you'll be able to request transfer normally through AW once the release is finalised.
Because DP pay us daily but don't receive funds themselves for two weeks they have to be able to protect against people simply cancelling the pending transactions to have the money already paid to us by DP put back into our released AW accounts. We'd end up being paid twice and DP would end up paying out without receiving money back from AW.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:01 pm
by admin
Hi, your aw account balance has little meaning to me or the service, we only look at your actual account balance (the one in the image I posted)(your account has a balance of £0 with us, we dont owe you anything and you owe us nothing aswell), although, as those credits on your AW account were earned today they wont be getting paid by us. You can transfer them yourself here: ... July05.asp
You already have full access to your account, there is nothing you cant do at the moment. Thread above says 2 weeks until you are taken away from the holding group.
Your question to AW may not of been correct as they wouldnt said you cant do anything with the account until its released, makes no sense.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:03 pm
by Scarlet_UK
I made those credits today. That is the whole problem.
I don't want to leave DP and lose 240 credits that I worked for today.
I understand the whole protecting the credits things and not wanting to pay girls twice.
But I was told that I was released but I'm still in a group which of course is strange and caused my concern.
Since I asked to be released tomorrow after being paid the credits I made today admin released me immediatly.
So now I still don't know if I can expect my pay tomorrow or if my account will be released with the credits.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:09 pm
by BritishBecky
Looks like it's being released with the credits in it. So, you will have to use the normal AW credits transfer system. The credits won't be lost (I've left and rejoined DP myself and never lost any). The group will just hold you until the release is finalised, but in terms of functionality of your account you have that back already.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:09 pm
by Scarlet_UK
Thank you for clearing it up.
However, when I try to transfer credits it says only group transfers are allowed...
Pity though that I asked to be released after getting paid todays credits.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:17 pm
by admin
So it doesnt say this? "You do not have any credits available for transferring. "
Its alot easier for us if we release the account while your balance with us is sitting at zero, if it wasnt the release takes longer and takes extra work.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:21 pm
by Scarlet_UK
The following problem(s) were detected:
Your Group Manager has disabled your ability to transfer credits. Please contact them for more information.
You do not have any credits available for transferring.
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:50 pm
by admin
Hi, I have looked at it a few times, as I know it doesnt say that and you have a low understanding of AW and whats going on the subject will be dropped and I will be providing no further assistance on the matter.
I have logged into your account and can see clearly you are either lying or you dont know what your doing.
Either way:
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:28 pm
by Scarlet_UK
Yes, I am lying because it is absolutely fucking hilarious that I can't withdraw my own credits.
I have been working on AW for years before I joined DP and I know exactly how AW works.
Here is my proof
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:37 am
by BritishBecky
Hang on, if you only made the credits today then they won't be available to be transferred until tomorrow?
Re: Release profile please
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:44 pm
by Scarlet_UK
They won't be available to transfer until today.
However, it should not give me the message that only the groupmanager can transfer.
Edit: Groupmanager message is gone now, so I can transfer my credits.